Distinctive Science Writing Contributions

Jen Clare's personal essay on the spiritual significance of the red cardinal

Jennifer Clare showcasing her personal essay about the spiritual significance of the Northern cardinal.

Welcome to Jennifer Clare Ball's science writing portfolio, a collection of selected works in top publications like Wired and Popular Science. Based in Chicago, Jennifer is a skilled science writer with a knack for making complex topics accessible. With a decade of experience, she covers diverse subjects—from the environment to health equity.

As a science writer, Jennifer seeks the foremost experts in the world, fostering genuine connections with her sources. Using metaphors and vivid descriptions, she illustrates ideas with the power of words, harnessing an expansive vocabulary and a deep understanding of science and the themes that surround it.

Recent work

  • https://closler.org/connecting-with-patients/a-patients-reflection-on-connecting-with-clinicians-what-matters-most

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